
Saturday, March 23, 2019

How Do Textual Features Combine To Convey A Theme Of The Poem? :: essays research papers

How do Textual Features Combine To Convey a Theme of the metrical composition?Milton wrote extensively throughout his life, and studied literatureprofoundly. His cunningness and literary techniques were observed in all of hisliterature. However, at the prime of his life, his weak eyes gave as his longingwork and studies ca apply his blindness. As a result of this tragedy, Miltoncreated a sonnet just about his blindness. He forefronted the meaning of this tragedy,of the future, and God for his blindness within the sonnet. Even though hiswhole life and work involved his eyes, he accepted this eventually. in spite of appearanceMiltons sonnet about his blindness nonliteral verbiage, incarnation, hisintent and prosody ar adopted to convey his questions and heart felt acceptanceof his blindness.Milton uses figurative language to transmit his grievances and discontent.He reflects upon his life and how my light is spent, or the time he had hissight. Milton then expresses the feeling of the dark world and wide of theblind as his introduction to his questions. He begins to question his writingthat only death tummy take away (...one talent which is death to hide..), lodged... useless within him because of his tender blindness. As a result, Miltonbegins to question God, Doth God exact day-labour, light denied? Miltonwonders as to the meaning of his blindness Does God want him to continue towrite, even with his blindness, or what does God really mean? At first his toneseems harsh, unless his feelings are redirected as he answers his let questions intime. His last question to God, was answered by himself as he realizes that hecannot blame God for his actions. His figurative language from the point hebegins to question, up to where he begins to answer his own questions are fullof implications of his thought. These implications must be picked out in rambleto make sense of the feeling and statement Milton is trying to make.Furthermore, Milton uses personification to express the importance ofwords and values. He personifies Patience as if patience were a man whoreplies for him. Patience is his reasoning for accepting the fact that he isblind. It is used to introduce the answer towards his questioning, and as achange or spell point within the sonnet. As in standard Petrarchian sonnetsthis change is in the 8-9 line, and a transition between problem and solution isachieved. The problem was whether or not he should continue to write. Yet, inline 8 the personification conveys the theme of acceptance through Patience.

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